5 Minutes with Alfie Neale

5 minutes with Alfie Neale

2 new singles and a headline show all within a month! We chatted with Alfie Neale about Made Me Like It, his latest releases and his collaborative projects with Jarki Monno…

Hey Alfie, thank you for catching up with us! First off, you just dropped two singles, 'Day To Day' and 'Moonlight Hours'. How did that go?

“Thanks for having me, absolute pleasure to chat to you! The singles have gone down great, we really wanted to share both sides of mine and Jark's personalities and I think we did that really well on these two tracks. I really think ‘Day To Day’ is a great step in the right direction with where I want to go in terms of the production of my music and the sound of the tracks - maybe not the final product but a great step for sure.”

Back in October you performed at ‘Made Me Like It’, our brand-new day festival that took over EC1. What was it like for you? 

“Made Me Like It, as with every show I've played for Kili, was class as ever! I honestly love playing shows more than anything (as soon as the drive into central London is done) and it was a great day - we saw some amazing acts after we played. We saw Belot who's opening up for us on our London date on tour play and it was an unreal set, so the festival really got me looking forward to our tour.”

You’ll be collaborating with Jarki Monno for a very special dual headline tour through November. Are you excited to be touring with Jarki? 

“Honestly, I didn't realise how much work it would be working on a collaborative tour because it turns out it's a lot less simple than a solo tour! As soon as the tour begins though, we're going to have the best headline shows that we've both played for sure!”

You’re first collaboration with Jarki was back in 2020 when you both featured on 'Cigars' with edbl. Was that the first time you had crossed paths? 

“We actually collaborated once before that too, but I will definitely not be sharing that tune about these days! It was one of the first songs Jark made. By that point, we were in our first year of living together so we'd been friends for a good while and I honestly just wanted to get the track done. I've been a fan of Ed's music for a long time and just wanted to get the track over the line as quick as possible and luckily it worked out really well!”

After an epic year, 2022 is ending. What have been your highlights and what are you hoping to achieve in 2023? 

“Honestly I didn't adapt well within the pandemic, and it's just been amazing to get back out playing and recording music with my band and some really amazing producers. My highlight has been getting back to working on and releasing music after a couple of years, the music being received really well and building a full team around me with the help of some amazing people. Next year is just going to be about doing the work and we'll see what happens!”

Listen to Alfie Neale’s latest collaborative singles with Jarki Monno, ‘Day To Day’ and ‘Moonlight Hours’ and grab tickets to their exclusive London show! Don’t forget the connect with Alfie on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for updates on future shows and releases.


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