Kili Presents New Music Gig Tickets & Tour Dates

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5 Minutes with Hanya

You’re heading on a UK tour this October. Which gig are you most looking forward to playing and why?

“Ooft, tough one! Well, food is a big contributor to a good gig...and the Hug & Pint in Glasgow made us some amazing Asian inspired dishes last year before our show. It was also our favourite gig of the last tour as the crowd response was something else, which we weren't expecting, and it's a great opportunity to hang out with friends that have moved up there. That being said, we're looking forward to every last one, and I can name a great dish near every venue if I (really) think about it. That's telling of my tour experiences, isn't it?”

If you could take any band or artist on tour with you, who would it be and why?

“One of my closest friends moved to Canada almost ten years ago now. His band are killer. I love the tunes they write, and we've always talked about going on tour together someday, somehow. Neighbourly...if you're listening, it's not too late to jump on that flight...”

As a band, you seem to play gigs pretty regularly! What is your favourite venue to play?

“We played Birkenhead's Future Yard last year and their hospitality blew us away. The green room is pink, they have showers, a sofa, a stocked fridge and basically everything you need when you're tired from travelling and need some home comforts. Their sound engineer was incredible and by the time we left the staff were wearing our merchandise. We love it there and can't wait to return this October.”

You released a new single, Amateur Professional over the summer. Tell us the back story of the track.

“The track was written about trying to be a full-time pro at something that isn't your career. Working your ass off and getting fed up with hustle culture. It's about absolutely anything you're working toward that can sometimes leave you wondering if it's worth it, that can feel tireless and also absolutely wonderful because it's yours and you're in control. We wrote it when things felt particularly tough, and I'm glad we got it onto paper….

Now though, we joke that anyone is an amateur professional - positive or negative. Tried to do a cartwheel and face planted? Am-Pro mate. Liz truss? 100% Am-Pro. You get the jist.”

We’re only a few months away from 2023 after a whirlwind of a year. What’s next for Hanya in the new year?

“It's all top secret and I'm afraid if we told you we would have to kill you. Or, get you to sign a non-disclosure. Ok actually just a pinky promise will do.”

Check out Hanya’s latest single ‘Amateur Professional’ and grab tickets for their London show on 26th October. Make sure you connect with them on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for updates on upcoming shows and releases.